Blog vs Wiki

   There is one important similarity between Blog and Wiki, that is they need users to share their information and knowledge. For blogs, one person put his/her opinions or experiences on a blog post and people will comment on it. For wikis, it's more like every users put their knowledge inside to form a place where everyone can share their information.
   However, there still some different between Blog and Wiki. For blogs, it is more personal. one user put in information on his/her blog, people who has connected with this blogger can see it and comment it. it's more personal base rather than public. those connected bloggers will grow larger and may become a community. This community share information about their daily life may help people in real life. In the article "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid", a blog about a crack house post on this Brooklyn community and many people comment their information on the post which lead to a drug raid. This shows that how people use blog to collaborated each other in order to solve drug crime.
   On the other hand, Wiki is more public. Lots of users put their knowledge on one site to form a informative website. Even though wiki make people's life easier by getting information very easy, there still some problems may occur. In the article "An Internal Wiki That’s Not Classified", we know that the information on wiki may not be accurate and correct. Everyone can edit on wiki, sometime there will be wrong information on the wiki, so wiki may not be very useful for solving professional and business problem.
   Convergence is very important on today's life. People share their information and knowledge on blog and wiki. This will give people more experience of different life and expand their site view. In this way, people can connect to each other and make this world better.
    Wiki is already in everywhere, I think that wiki can be used on local travel. For example, if you just come to Manhattan, you want to know where has restaurant that fit your taste, where you can enjoy beautiful view. You don't want to waste time to search on google. Wiki gather people's opinions to help you.


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