Blog: Advice

    Most people have Facebook account, I believe Baruch can use Facebook as one tool for reaching students. For example, Baruch can put some activity or announcement on Facebook Baruch fan page. Because most people check Facebook everyday, and news will pop out if these students follow Baruch fan page. In this way, they will receive information that may interest or should know on their Facebook page. I knew that for some students, they forget to check Baruch official page when storm or blizzard come. They try hard to take those delay trains services and finally find out school is closed. That's despair. If Baruch put emergency announcement on Facebook, this information will pop out on these students' phone. Then they will avoid this situation occur.


  1. Hey Can,

    I agree with your idea! I would love to have this tool on Facebook because it is convenient to use and accessible. Most of the time, I usually just wake up and rush out the door to get to class on time so I don't have time to check anything. However, Facebook notifications pop up on my phone and I can read it in a quick glance. It would be even more useful if the notification was in a bright color and in bold letters to stand out.


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